23 July 2006

Friday night sky

We had a fabulous lightning storm Friday at about dusk. Could not manage to get a single picture of it but did get this pic from the southerly direction

And this one to the North East

And one due West

Cute little kid contest

Not really but if there was one this little cutie would take it away. A bunch of us went to a (very nice) county park yesterday for a picnic. This kid was enamored with playing in the stream. I think she needs one in her backyard.

09 July 2006

Reunion Photos

Here, in order of age, is the reason the reunion takes place. Although I have to hand it to the younger generation-they plan to continue with "cousin" reunions after we old fogies are dead and gone.

Someone called this "double trouble". Can't imagine why. WE weren't the ones having trouble. BTW, every single human in this photo is part of the clan.