09 July 2010

The Blog Stops Here

Goodbyes are not forever.

Goodbyes are not the end.

They simply mean I'll miss you

Until we meet again!

~Author Unknown
That's me up there on the header photo, waving bye-bye. Because

5 years (precisely-check it out- My very first post was 9:37 AM July 9, 2005) of good blogging is a good time to stop.

It has been a good 5 years. It was great fun documenting it...kind of like making an electronic scrapbook.

Lots of wonderful things still happening. But, I've clearly lost interest in recording them on-line. So much so that I can hardly even muster enough enthusiasm for a good-bye post.

But...bye-bye anyway (Well, not really "good-bye" or anything. That might not be especially appropriate considering that this post is scheduled to publish just as I go under anesthesia).

Thanks to all who dropped in and God bless.

It does stop here but it also stays here.
Because, I really loved my little blog.

I really love my life too.

And, also, I love all of you.

21 March 2010

Surprise, surprise, surprise!

1) Not only was the birthday girl surprised, but, 2) so were the neighbors when they came home to the decoy balloons at their door. 3) Then some of the guests were surprised when they almost showed up at the wrong house.

But the biggest of all is that the lovely birthday girl and her lovely sister (who hosted the party), ARE BOTH NOW BLOGGING!
They can be found at Connie on Cloud 9

01 January 2010

Happy New Year

Something to be sunny about!

In the interest of keepin' it happy, the previous post of a snow storm was removed. That was too much negativity for this blog. We have subsequently had a nice winter day of soft snowflakes that melt as soon as they hit the ground. That kind does not bother me. Not even when we were swimming in a hot springs in the midst of a "snowstorm".