09 July 2010

The Blog Stops Here

Goodbyes are not forever.

Goodbyes are not the end.

They simply mean I'll miss you

Until we meet again!

~Author Unknown
That's me up there on the header photo, waving bye-bye. Because

5 years (precisely-check it out- My very first post was 9:37 AM July 9, 2005) of good blogging is a good time to stop.

It has been a good 5 years. It was great fun documenting it...kind of like making an electronic scrapbook.

Lots of wonderful things still happening. But, I've clearly lost interest in recording them on-line. So much so that I can hardly even muster enough enthusiasm for a good-bye post.

But...bye-bye anyway (Well, not really "good-bye" or anything. That might not be especially appropriate considering that this post is scheduled to publish just as I go under anesthesia).

Thanks to all who dropped in and God bless.

It does stop here but it also stays here.
Because, I really loved my little blog.

I really love my life too.

And, also, I love all of you.

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