24 June 2009

I'd like to direct attention

to the blog of Sleepy Cat Hollow. She has really nice photos. Please enjoy the one of her adorable "mini burning man".* (scroll way down.) I'd like the background story on that one.

This guy is not him.
Think he's OK with that?


Belle said...
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Belle said...

Thank you Sunny for being so
patient. I hope to have fun
with this after such a chance
meeting that I enjoyed so much

Sleepy Cat Hollow said...

LOL! I quite sure he's ok with that. :) And thank you for your nice comments.

I picked up the wee metal mini-burning man at a yard sale about a month ago. He looked happy and I thought he'd like it out in the front corner of our lot. Sort of a rock cairn/sunflower/lavender/sage/...whatever else catches my fancy garden.

Me thinks he's happyier than the big burning man...as he knows he won't go up in flames. :)

Sunny said...

"Me thinks he's happyier than the big burning man...as he knows he won't go up in flames. :)"

Ha! you got that right

Hey Desert Belle, I'm looking forward to some great posts.